
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Episode 200 - Let's celebrate
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Well we made it! 200 episodes are now done and dusted. We thanks our special guests for attending this episode live, Mark O'Shea and Marc Kean. Of we can't forget the co-host Brenton Johnson, who helped make this episode special. We'd also like to thank everyone who shared best wishes and congratulations. It is fantastic to know that people are out there and enjoying what we put together.
This of course is only the beginning of the march towards our next 200 episodes and we hope you'll all join us for the journey. We've come a long way in around 10 years of podcasting and so too has the Microsoft Cloud. What's it going to be like in another 10 years? Join us on the journey.
Thanks again to both Mark O'Shea and Marc Kean for being part of our special episode and supporting the podcast over the years.

Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Episode 199 - Iaan Wiltshire
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
I speak with Program Manager Windows Defender ATP, Iaan Wiltshire, from Microsoft all about this security offering and how it fits into the market. We discuss what Defender ATP is and what it includes, so if you are keen to hear how Microsoft is integrating threat management from the desktop through to the cloud, listen along.
Brenton and I, of course, give you all the latest Microsoft Cloud news in this first episode for 2019. There is still lots happening so listen in to stay up to date.
Also, don't forget our invite to join us during the live recording of episode 200 on the 21st of January 2019. Just sign up at http://bit.ly/n2k200
Discounted cyber security for your client
Contextualizing Attacker Activity within Session in Exchange Online
MyAnalytics, the fitness tracker for work is now more broadly available
Watch Microsoft Stream on the go
SharePoint Roadmap Pitstop: December 2018
Introducing new advanced security and compliance offerings for Microsoft 365
Evaluating Windows Defender ATP

Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Episode 198 - NIgel Moore
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Join me with Nigel Moore for this episode as he talks about what successful Managed Service Providers (MSP) are doing and thinking with the Microsoft Cloud and also into the future. Nigel shares his wealth of experience from running a successful MSP and now running a coaching business focused on helping MSPs become more successful. being the last episode before Christmas and New Year, both Brenton and I wish you all the best for the holiday season. We appreciate your support in 2018 and look forward to you joining us again in 2019.
Zapier and Microsoft Teams integration
Introducing the Microsoft 365 freelance toolkit
What's the difference between OneNote and OneNote 2016?
Microsoft 365 update for November 2018
Updates to Azure AD Terms of Use functionality within conditional access
An easy way to bring back your Azure VM with in place restore

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Episode 197 - Yubikey
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
In this episode we focus on security starting with our interview of Alex Wilson from Yubico talking all about multi factor authentication. We take the time to dive deep into the benefits of using devices like the Yubikey to protect identities an help prevent phishing attacks. Brenton and I also discuss a number of interesting security items before the interview as well as give you the latest updates from the Microsoft Cloud.
Alex Wilson - alex.wilson@yubico.com
Australia gets world-first encryption busting laws
Australia passes new law to thwart strong encryption
Microsoft adopts ethical principles aiming to bar misuse of facial recognition technology
New breakthrough in combating tech support scams
Mastercard and Microsoft join forces to Advance Digital Identity Innovations
Outlook on iOS gets a redesign

Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Episode 196 - Marc Kean
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
I am joined by a familiar guest to many, previous co-host of the Need to Know podcast, Marc Kean, who shares with us what he has been up to lately and his career journey to now being a full time Microsoft employee. Listen along and you'll get some insight into one of the technical job roles at Microsoft.
Of course Brenton and I also bring you up to date with the latest Microsoft cloud news including recent a Azure AD multi factor outage and how Microsoft is now more valuable than Apple! Listen on for full details.
Azure AD MFA outage analysis - look for event on 19th November
Microsoft now more valuable than Apple
Microsoft helps create a secure modern workplace

Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Episode 195 - Troy Hunt
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Troy Hunt makes a return to the podcast to talk about the power of serverless compute. We discuss how Troy has been successfully using serverless compute to run his website haveibeenpwned. Troy also shares with us some insights as to the practical day to day operations of running a site with 5 billion breach records. Brenton and I also update you on the latest Microsoft Cloud news including a raft of updates to Microsoft Teams.
Skype for Business is moving to Teams
What's new in Microsoft Teams - November round up

Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Episode 194 - Cloud Update
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
More news this week from the Microsoft Cloud. Plenty of things that you need to know around Microsoft 365 and Azure so we bring it to you in another all news episode.
7 things Steve Jobs can teach you about business
Microsoft MCA and Acceptance wording
Windows 10 Home on the new Surface PC line
Windows Server 2019 RDS will not support Office Pro Plus from Office 365
New Office deployment customisation tool
What's new for Microsoft To-Do in October 2018
Office 365 soars to 155 million active users
Windows Defender now runs in a sandbox
Hardware OAUTH tokens in Azure MFA in the cloud now available

Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Episode 193 - Gluh
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Join us in this episode as Brenton speak with Lorenzo Coppa from Gluh, which is clever way for IT Resellers to sell more hardware with less hassle and overhead. Brenton and I also bring you up to date with all the latest Microsoft Cloud news. Just because Ignite is over doesn't mean that the news stops from the cloud. We'll bring you up to date with everything you need to know.
Updated version of Windows 10 1803 rolling out
Create an organisation wide team in Microsoft Teams
New capabilities coming to the SharePoint Migration Tool
How Azure AD can help clean up data in your on-premises Active Directory
Reset passwords from all versions of Windows

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Episode 192 - More news from Ignite
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
A follow up from our last episode with more news and updates from Microsoft Ignite. Brenton an I add a few more points of interest that came out of the conference including update on Microsoft Whiteboard, updates from Azure and multi geo for SharePoint and OneDrive plus plenty more. So tune in for the latest and greatest from Microsoft Ignite.
Don’t forget to give the show a rating as well as send us any feedback or suggestions you may have for the show.
More interesting news from Ignite
Absorbing content from Ignite 2018
New features for Microsoft Forms
Introducing Multi-Geo in SharePoint and Office 365 Groups
SharePoint powers teamwork in Office 365
Microsoft whiteboard now available on more devices

Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Episode 191 - News from Microsoft Ignite 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Brenton and I get you up to date with all the most important announcements from Microsoft Ignite. You'll hear about the new Microsoft Virtual Desktop services, improvements in OneDrive, and some exciting updates happening with Microsoft Stream. Throw in a Windows 10 update with news about Azure and there isn't enough to cover everything in one episode. All this and whole heap more on this special Ignite update on the Need to Know podcast.