
Monday Jan 19, 2015
Episode 71 - Ben Dampney
Monday Jan 19, 2015
Monday Jan 19, 2015
I this episode I speak with Ben Dampney from DigitIT about one of the biggest challenges in any business, attracting and retaining good staff.

Monday Jan 12, 2015
Episode 70 - James Eling
Monday Jan 12, 2015
Monday Jan 12, 2015
In this episode I am joined by the owner and managing director of Extreme Networks - James Eling, to talk about the state of play in the SMB IT space. James and I discuss the changes and challenges the cloud is bringing to the segment and the revolution it is especially forcing upon small IT resellers.

Monday Jan 05, 2015
Episode 69 - Tas Gray
Monday Jan 05, 2015
Monday Jan 05, 2015
I am joined again by Tas Gray from AxiomIT to talk everything Office 365. We talk about the different plans that are available and what represents the best value. We also a deeper look into the specifics of each plan as well as answer some specific questions when it comes to Office application. You’ll also find some discussion around Azure, network social and the new business model the cloud bring for IT resellers.
The RDS world changes again - http://blog.ciaops.com/2014/10/office-365-rds-world-changes-again.html
Office 365 plans - https://products.office.com/en-us/business/compare-more-office-365-for-business-plans
Installing Office Pro Plus on RDS server - http://blog.powerbiz.net.au/office-365/installing-office365-proplus-on-a-rds-server-terminal-server-using-shared-computer-activation/
Email – tas@axiomit.com.au
Twitter – http://twitter.com/tasgray
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+TasGrayIT
LinkedIn - http://au.linkedin.com/in/tasgray/
Papers / Tools
Deploying Office 365 Desktop Apps from a USB drive - http://www.axiomit.com.au/speed-office-365-desktop-application-deployment/
I’ve developed a DNS Configuration tool for Office 365 which is hosted on Azure - https://tools.axiomit.com.au/

Monday Dec 29, 2014
Episode 68 - John Liu
Monday Dec 29, 2014
Monday Dec 29, 2014
Here I speak with SharePoint MVP John Liu about workflows in SharePoint (and in Office 365). We discuss what workflows are, how to create them and what you can do with them. John gives us many examples of where workflows can be used to better automate and optimise a business.
SharePoint Designer 2013
Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition (with Update 4)
Custom Activities - these can all be used on Office 365 or SP2013 OnPrem
Office Dev Patterns and Practices samples
Paul Culmsee has a 12-part multi series that’s very fun to follow
Plumsail has a pack of custom activities that can be purchased (~$500) and more importantly, support.

Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
Special Episode 1 - David Alexander
Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
Tuesday Dec 23, 2014
Just in time for the holidays comes a special Need to Know podcast with David Alexander, Senior product Marketing Manager, Office at Microsoft.
David joins me to talk all about the latest product in the Office range, Sway. David tells all about what Sway is, how it works and where the product is headed. He shares with us some insights of bring the product to market and what people are creating with this latest offering from Microsoft.
If you want to know more about Office Sway from Microsoft then this is podcast for you.
Episode resources
Iphone app available in AU and NZ - https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/office-sway/id929856545
Sway – http://www.sway.com
Sway Blog - http://blogs.office.com/sway/
Recent iPhone app announcement - http://blogs.office.com/2014/12/15/sway-preview-expands-delivers-feature-improvements/
Feedback on Sway - http://sway.uservoice.com
David Alexander on Twitter - @MSFTDavid

Monday Dec 22, 2014
Episode 67 - Chip Reaves
Monday Dec 22, 2014
Monday Dec 22, 2014
In this episode I am joined by Chip Reaves from Bigger Brains to talk about the MSP landscape and how the cloud is impacting this along with Chip"s venture of providing video training content. Chip also talk about his experiences with the Computer Troubleshooters franchise. We discuss Chip's recent interviews with a number of SMB community leaders about the changes that the IT Reseller market is facing and where opportunities may lie.

Monday Dec 15, 2014
Episode 66 - Darrell Webster
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Monday Dec 15, 2014
For this episode I'm joined by Office 365 Darrell Webster to discuss Yammer and Office 365. We look at what Yammer is, what it does and why it is so important to organisations going forward. We also discuss so of the challenges to adoption of Yammer within and organisation and some steps that can be taken to overcome these.

Monday Dec 08, 2014
Episode 65 - Tas Gray
Monday Dec 08, 2014
Monday Dec 08, 2014
Tas is back and in this episode we take a closer look at some of the enterprise features of SharePoint Online such as Access Services. We look at how these can benefit your business and why you should be looking at investing in the advanced version of SharePoint Online, even if you are a small business. We also cover off some of the latest Office 365 news as well as covering lots of other Office 365 topics.
Email – tas@axiomit.com.au
Twitter – http://twitter.com/tasgray
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+TasGrayIT
LinkedIn - http://au.linkedin.com/in/tasgray/

Monday Dec 01, 2014
Episode 64 - Sonia Cuff
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Monday Dec 01, 2014
In this episode I'm joined by Sonia Cuff from Computer Troubleshooters Aspley to talk about women in technology. We look at the questions of why more women are not involved in technology and what impact that may be having on the industry. We also cover off some suggestion about how to alleviate this and Sonia has some great resources to share. This should be a topics that makes us all ask how we can make technology an industry that is more appealing to all aspects of our society.
Women in Technology: http://www.wit.org.au/
The Current Status: http://www.petri.com/current-status
Microsoft Virtual Academy: http://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/
Off the Scuff blog: www.offthescuff.com
Computer Troubleshooters Aspley: http://www.ctaspley.com.au
Sonia Cuff on Twitter: @Cuff_S

Wednesday Nov 26, 2014
Episode 63 - Greg Plum
Wednesday Nov 26, 2014
Wednesday Nov 26, 2014
Join me as I speak with Greg Plum about the opportunities of Lync in Office 365, especially when it comes to the integration with phone and voice systems. Greg shares his experience with implementing unified communications in Office 365.
Greg Plum
Twitter: @channelmanager
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/gregplum/
Blog: http://www.gregplum.com
+1.302.514.PLUM (7586)