
Thursday Aug 18, 2016
Episode 110 - Jeff Huze
Thursday Aug 18, 2016
Thursday Aug 18, 2016
Marc and I kick off the show with the latest cloud news as usual but then I talk to SMB reseller Jeff Huze from Interconnekt all about the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) that is now available for Microsoft Cloud products like Office 365 and Azure. We talk about the differences it brings for licensing and the tangible benefits it provides resellers when it comes to growing the cloud business. If you haven't looked at Microsoft CSP, then you should. so tune in and let Jeff explain all about it.
Twitter: @jeffreyhuze
LinkedIn: au.linkedin.com/in/jeffreyhuze
Email: jeff@interconnekt.com.au
Twitter: @interconnekt
Rhipe CSP
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Why is technology not making business more productive?
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Join returning guest Chip Reaves from Bigger Brains as he and I discuss the challenges of reaping productivity benefits from implementing technology in the business express edition of the CIAOPS Need to Know podcast. Who's to blame? The vendors? The resellers? Or the end users?

Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Episode 109 - Cloud News
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Wednesday Aug 03, 2016
Marc Kean and I provide a round up of all the Azure and Office 365 news that's happened of late (and there has been plenty). There are plenty of Azure services going GA along with new Office 365 services that are rolling out. Listen along as we tell you all the latest plus provide our own unique commentary and opinions on everything Microsoft Cloud. Stay up to date right here.

Friday Jul 15, 2016
Episode 108 - News from WPC
Friday Jul 15, 2016
Friday Jul 15, 2016
Marc and I review all the latest news from the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference. We also dive deep into a raft of recent Azure updates as well a swag of Office 365 news. If you want to keep up to date with the Microsoft Cloud then there is no better episode to listen to.

Saturday Jul 02, 2016
Episode 107 - Steve Hosking
Saturday Jul 02, 2016
Saturday Jul 02, 2016
In this episode Marc is joined by Steve Hosking to talk about SCCM.
Marc Kean - @marckean
Azure News:
Reddit (SCCM):
Facebook pages about SCCM:
Guest Twitter:
Azure Stack user group meet-up, hear all about Azure Stack Vs Azure Public

Monday Jun 20, 2016
Episode 106 - Stephane Budo
Monday Jun 20, 2016
Monday Jun 20, 2016
In this episode we talk with Stephane Budo from Vigilant IT all about Azure stack and how Microsoft is bringing what it has learned from running the public cloud and making that available to people who want to run their own private cloud. Azure stack provides a consistent way of managing datacentre resources no matter where they may be. Allowing management via a single consistent interface provides a lot of benefits as Stephane explains.

Friday Jun 10, 2016
Episode 105 - Azure updates
Friday Jun 10, 2016
Friday Jun 10, 2016
Join myself and Marc as we catch up on all the latest Azure news and discuss Marc's recent blog posts on updates that have recently come to Azure. We cover off some updates to SQL, Mircosoft's new documentation service and more. Plenty of really great content aimed at keeping you right up to date with everything Azure and in the Microsoft cloud.

Monday Jun 06, 2016
Episode 104 - Sonia Cuff
Monday Jun 06, 2016
Monday Jun 06, 2016
Robert is joined by returning guest Sonia Cuff to talk about the secrets of successful presentations. They cover off the things that you should and shouldn't do when it comes to giving meaningful and memorable presentations. Sonia shares her extensive experience from presenting both locally and internationally that will benefit anyone who has to stand up in front of a crowd. In this episode you'll learn a lot about delivering an experience that will leave your audience asking for more.

Friday May 27, 2016
Episode 103 - Azure Backup and Recovery
Friday May 27, 2016
Friday May 27, 2016
Join myself and co-host, Azure Technical Specialist Marc Kean, as we take a closer look at the backup options available from Azure. We speak about things such as Azure Backup for files and folders, backup for applications and especially Azure Site Recovery. There is of course coverage of the latest cloud news from the world of Microsoft as well as details about technologies such as Azure Resources Manager.

Saturday May 21, 2016
Episode 102 - Paul Ward
Saturday May 21, 2016
Saturday May 21, 2016
Marc and I are joined by Paul Ward to talk about Windows 10 deployments as well as tool like System Center. We discuss the update of Windows 10 for consumers as well as enterprise as well as were we see the future of the Windows platform from Microsoft leading. There is also our usual update on all the cloud news around Office 365 and Azure. It's been almost 12 months since the release of Windows 10 so listen along and join in the anniversary celebrations.